Getting Ready for Back-to-School

August 3, 2008 at 11:26 pm Leave a comment

It seems that summertime gets shorter and shorter every year – especially if you’re a kid – or the parent of a kid. The transition into a new school year is annually greeted with mixed feelings of anticipation, excitement, fear and regret. Summer is over and it’s time to go back to the grind.

The whole ritual does not only affect the children, but the entire family as a whole. Sleep schedules have to be put into place and strictly adhered to, eating schedules redefined, homework and curfew rules, television, clothing…the list seems endless. As a parent myself I must admit that in my family summer is a time to be lazy – literally bringing meaning to the phrase, “enjoy the lazy days of summer.” But, when school time comes around, we all have to work as a family unit to make the transition smooth and as pleasant as possible. Here are a few suggestions to get your schedules in order and on track for school:

1. Bedtimes. Establish a “school bedtime routine” two to three weeks prior to the beginning of a new school year.

2. Eating schedules. With the hectic schedules we sometimes have, a family style meal is a wonderful way to find out what is going on with the kids – to give praise for the great things that happened that day and find out where they may need some help.

3. Homework and curfew rules. Before school starts plan a homework and curfew schedule. Sit down and discuss the rules with your children. Be sure that they know these rules are not to be broken. Is the television allowed on? When is homework to be done? How late is the telephone allowed? What is the school night curfew?

Entry filed under: Kids, Organizing Tips, Time Management. Tags: , , , , .

Planning Vacation Expectations More Back-To-School Tips

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